How do reviews work?
Seller Payouts (using Bitsafe)Overview
• Buyer initiates an order using the "Order item" button on listing with an optional message to seller
• Seller gets a notification about the order
• When buyer and seller settle everything, buyer sends a payment, seller sends the item and marks it as sold
• Seller can leave a review for buyer at this point (will not be visible to the buyer yet)
• Buyer gets a notification that the item has been shipped by seller
• After item reaches the buyer, they mark it as delivered and the seller is notified about the successful delivery
• Both parties have 1 week to write reviews after delivery is confirmed. Review window expires after one week.
• Reviews are published
- either when both buyer and seller have written them
- or one week after the delivery if one of them didn’t write a review
• Two weeks after the sale date, if the item wasn’t marked as delivered, SP automatically sends a notification to buyer. If an order is not marked as delivered within 30 days since the item was sold, the order gets an "expired" status. In this case, buyer is still able to mark the order as delivered later. Both buyer and seller can leave their reviews after the order has expired.
• Any of the parties can cancel the order while it’s in the “processing” state – the other party will be notified of this with a cancellation reason, if provided.