Rod Cummings
Nov 02, 2021
To scam or not to scam?

To scam or not to scam?

This should not even be a question...

Hey everyone, Rod here. In light of recent events regarding a scam by a former seller here on SP, management team here has decided that some words need to be said on this matter in a more formal manner. We're not going to name names - it's more important to consider the principles and code of conduct on the SP platform specifically and in the community generally. 

The story: buyer sends complaint to SP support team about not receiving an order after much time passed. SP requests proof of purchase, dates of contact, conversation transcripts, and any other proof for the claims made. Mediation communication between the seller and buyer. Buyer produces proof of claim. Seller replies with few details and no proof, but claims the order was completed/delivered. SP requests proof of seller's completed order/delivery or any evidence at all to support claim. Seller blocks the admin account. No further replies from seller. Case closed. 

First, we strongly condemn scams or fraud of any kind on SP. In an effort to avoid the scamming types, we encourage buyers to level up to premium and encourage review, verification, and ranking on seller accounts.

Secondly, admin account here is for support and mediation. Blocking the admin doesn't make a whole lot of sense. Any dispute entered into our system requires immediate attention by both parties in order to resolve the matter fairly. 

Lastly, scamming hurts not only the victim of the scam, but the entire fetish community. You've heard of the butterfly effect, right? 

Take care, be kind to each other, don't do evil.

Sincerely, Rod