My Comeback Story to Scented Pansy

My Comeback Story to Scented Pansy

They told me it wasn’t sexy enough

I'm delighted to be able to tell this story that started with tears and ended in victory! 

I have been on Scented Pansy before in the past but was new, not too sure what I was doing, but still managed to make tons of sales! 

When I came back to the site this year I decided I was going to stand out from the crowd!

My listings? Totally unique and creative! 
My most loyal buyer and friend told me my listings were too "cute and girly" and I wouldn't attract buyers because it wasn't sexy enough. He actually made me cry because I had put so much time and effort into these listings and I was momentarily discouraged!

Im very happy to report this buyer is one of my best friends and occasionally I get to tease him about this as I'm always booked almost a full month in advance for panty wear! 

My moxie, creativity, experience as a professional photographer, having genuine fun selling panties, and deciding to make a google drive have paid off in spades not just monetarily, but emotionally and my self esteem is more than restored! 

There is nothing more encouraging than men telling you your body is beautiful just they way it is! 

My buyers become my friends! I have over 30 buyer friends I talk to daily, and I run my own sellers only group for support and questions! 
Thanks for taking the time to read my story! 
I'm so happy to be here, giving is my love language and honestly panty selling really makes me smile when I hear how happy my buyers are! 

Much Love to you all for your support! 

My Comeback Story to Scented Pansy