Aug 21, 2024
I'm back from the tropics!

I'm back from the tropics!

I stripped in Guam for two months

My name is Felicity and I’ve written on scented pansy for years. I started stripping during 2021 and I went to Guam in May to strip for 2 months. It’s difficult to find information about sex work within Oceania, much less, stripping in Guam.

While I wouldn’t recommend travel dancing in Micronesia if you live outside of the Pacific, I had so much fun! A one way ticket from California costs over a grand (regardless of if you transfer in Japan or Hawaii). Every club in Guam will reimburse plane tickets of dancers, but that entails completing 50 to 75 shifts with little rest. My boss sometimes assigned 6 day work weeks; it still blows my mind that I survived my quota.

When you search ‘dancing in guam’ on youtube, only two videos relevant to stripping appear. Both videos were uploaded by the same person, therefore, I had only one youtuber’s experience to reference prior to my work contract. Both videos were uploaded within the past 3 years and each has less than a thousand views, so travel dancers who are interested probably don’t know they exist.

The lack of resources for sex workers–especially Chamorro sex workers–in the Marianas is astounding. I doubt a sex workers rights group will form soon in the Marianas archipelago…but it still hurts that the wikipedia page for sex worker organizations does not recognize any group in Micronesia. Discrimination exists in Oceania just like the rest of the world. If you know of any sex worker friendly attorneys on Guam, Rota, Tinian, or Saipan please contact me immediately!

I conversed with strangers on Guam about the reality of working in the adult industry. I met a former sugar baby on Tumon beach who is extremely kind. A patron I met at my club claimed she stripped there before my birth! I get one chance to talk to a majority of the people I’ll ever meet; and sex workers have the most politicized jobs after policymakers. Every club patron is a person with relationships so I’ll never know the full extent of my influence. I take great pride in that.

One of the most important lessons I learned in the adult industry is to never accept unjust treatment. Inafa’ maolek is a virtue Chamorros hold dear to their hearts. It roughly translates to “strive for harmony”. I refuse to acquiesce to what I know is wrong. I speak about sex work when I’m being interviewed on most podcasts but I should talk about Oceania more frequently. Erotic labor is a Pacific issue and the Pacific is an erotic labor issue.
I'm back from the tropics!